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mod! it's just my thing! Votefo10

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mod! it's just my thing! Votefo10

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 mod! it's just my thing!

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ice age
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1
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Anmeldedatum : 15.09.09

mod! it's just my thing! Empty
BeitragThema: mod! it's just my thing!   mod! it's just my thing! Empty15th September 2009, 22:49

my name in rl is george i speak spanish and english

my name in game is ice age im active alot i like helping

im cuban! lives in miami for 6yrs now im also 15yrs old

i been admin-mod-and once a co owner on a server that dint

work out bec owner was a jackass!,,,.... i be a good mod in this

server Razz thank you for taking ur time in reading this...... jocolor queen king
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Mr Pink
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Mr Pink

Anzahl der Beiträge : 13
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Anmeldedatum : 12.09.09

mod! it's just my thing! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: mod! it's just my thing!   mod! it's just my thing! Empty18th September 2009, 19:19

Co owner? Bull shit.
Prove it. I don't belive you because you're 11..
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x reminder x
SoulScape Administrator™
SoulScape Administrator™
x reminder x

Anzahl der Beiträge : 23
Reputation : 2
Anmeldedatum : 25.10.09
Alter : 30
Ort : netherlands

mod! it's just my thing! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: mod! it's just my thing!   mod! it's just my thing! Empty26th Oktober 2009, 17:59

ice age t hink you lie say
the names of the server..!
co-owner? yeee.... lol
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 65
Reputation : 3
Anmeldedatum : 23.06.09

mod! it's just my thing! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: mod! it's just my thing!   mod! it's just my thing! Empty27th Oktober 2009, 09:42

uhmm thank you for applying but we dont take player mods anymore

thread locked.
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mod! it's just my thing! Empty
BeitragThema: Re: mod! it's just my thing!   mod! it's just my thing! Empty

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mod! it's just my thing!
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